The FC-40 is a microprocessor-controlled antenna impedance matching network designed to provide all-amateur-band transmitting capability with the transceivers, when used with an end-fed random wire or long whip antenna.
Frequency Range: 1,8-54 MHz with 20+ m end-fed wire, 7-54 MHz with YA-007 HF 2,5 m Mobile Whip Antenna
Input Impedance: 50Ω
Max Power: 100 Watts (3 minutes Maximum Continuous TX)
Matched SWR: 2,0:1 or less (if antenna is not a multiple of λ/2)
Tune-up Power: 4W~60W
Tune-up Time: 8 seconds maximum
Impedance Matching Memories: 200 channels
Power Supply: 13,8 V± 15% (supplied from transceiver)
Case size (W x H x D): 9" x 7" x 2.1" (228 x 175 x 55 mm)
Weight: 2.6 lb (1.2 kg)