
Active filters


C4FM/FM digital and analog dual band VHF/UHF transceiver, with 50W RF power output and a 66 channel high speed GPS. Equipped with high resolution 2-inch QVGA coloured display. Real Dual Band operations thanks to two independent receivers with simultaneous A and B band monitor function in C4FM. WiRES-X connectivity as Portable Digital Node and Fixed Node.

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80 W Heavy-Duty 144 MHz FM VHF transceiver. Absolute reliability, no fans, suitable for extreme use, equipped with a unique DTMF microphone The large 6-digit backlit LCD on the FT-2980E provides excellent visibility.

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Wide band folded dipole for frequencies from 1.8MHz up to 30MHz, maximum input power 150W. Total length: 25.3 meters, 17 meters in inverted V configuration. Supplied with 9 meters coaxial cable. High quality construction, perfect to cover all HF bands from 160 to 10 meters.