The equipments that are published in this section, are "seen and liked occasions", in the state in which they are found, therefore they do not benefit from warranty. The description explains the condition of the object.
These are equipment and accessories accumulated over time in our warehouse, awaiting verification or revision.
If you are a skilled repairman or simply an electronics enthusiast you will find what is right for you, radios to be reviewed, even working products, real bargains at a realization price.
This initiative aims to be a stimulus for all those who want to have fun recovering, repairing, overhauling radios and accessories, who decide to dedicate a little of their time to themselves, to the pleasure of creating something that excites them or more simply who are looking for spare parts. or parts of radios that have become nowhere to be found.
Don't waste time, choose the one that may interest you, put it in the cart and proceed with the purchase and... have fun!
CSY & SON Turn on the Passion!